Sunday 15 July 2007

I've had a birthday!

Last Monday (9th July) was my birthday so now I have reached the ripe old age of 35. To be honest it doesn't feel any different to 34. The day started with breakfast in bed and present opening. One of the presents from Carla was 10 different bottles of Australian beer for me to figure which ones I liked. Obviously, I am pacing myself with this but they don't make too bad a brew down under and it is best served cold (well you wouldn't want a warm beer would you).

The day then continued with a trip into the city for lunch and shopping followed by a chest x-ray at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Confused? Well I had to have a check up because they found something suspicious on my original x-ray. Good news is that there is actually nothing wrong with me and the mark on the original x-ray was to do with a problem in the processing (go figure!). The day ended with a surprise get together at Semaphore Palais with a whole bunch of Pete and Cindy's friends who came out to help celebrate the occasion. So even though we are the other side of the world, miles away from friends and family I still had a bunch of people to hang out with. Thanks guys!

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